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The Jury of Cannes Film Festival 2015

The Jury of Cannes Film Festival 2015
Cannes Film Festival 2015

For the first time in the history of the Festival de Cannes, not one but two leading figures will chair the Jury.
Indeed, American filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen have accepted the invitation from President Pierre Lescure and General Delegate Thierry Frémaux to become the Presidents of the 68th edition of the Festival.

"We look forward to returning to Cannes this year”, Joel and Ethan Coen said from the Hail Caesar! film shoot with George Clooney, Christophe Lambert, Scarlett Johansson, Tilda Swinton, Josh Brolin and Channing Tatum. “We welcome as always the opportunity to watch movies there from all over the world. Cannes is a festival that has been important to us since the very beginning of our career. Presiding over the Jury is a special honour, since we have never heretofore been president of anything. We will issue further proclamations at the appropriate time."

Joel and Ethan are known for  numerous movies like: No Country for Old Men, Burn After Reading, Intolerable Cruelty etc.

2015 is the celebration of 120 years since the invention of the Lumière cinematograph, and the Festival de Cannes will be pleased to recognise, through the Coens, the work of all “cinema brothers” who, since Louis and Auguste Lumière, have enriched its history. The Festival has also had the opportunity to welcome “brothers” in a great way: like Joel and Ethan Coen who won the Palme d’or in 1991, Paolo and Vittorio Taviani received it in 1976, as well as Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne in 1998 and in 2005.

Joel and Ethan Coen are not only talanted but they also influenced the cinematography in so many ways and  thanks to their movies lots of stars, that are now on A-List, were being rewarded with international rewards. Besides the carreer in movies, Ethan Coen als did a play on Off - Broadway - Almost An Evening. This due will sure give a new touch to Cannes Film Festival and show us the greatness of Cannes Film Festival.

Text: PR & Sandra Bakula
Foto: Cannes Film Festival 2015



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