25.12.2013 |
Weihnachts-Tweets der Stars
Merry X-Mas Round the World
Die Stars und Sternchen am anderen Ende der Welt wünschen frohe Weihnachten via Twitter! Einige lustige sind auch dabei!
John Leguizamo (Titelbild): "Feliz navidad, merry Xmas, glorious Kwanza, festive Chanukkah. All my best to all the rest"
Bill Maher schreibt: "Merry X-Mas! This is the year atheists started meeting communally just like churchgoers! Let's nip that shit right in the bud."
David Hasselhoff: "Merry Xmas everyone!"

Neil Patrick Harris: "My main gift to David. Called a Mechanical Flipbook. Fun to create, even funnier to watch!"
Conan O'Brien: "I'm pretty sure Santa used my bathroom when he was here last night."
Autor und Stand-Up-Comedian Michael Ian Black, mit schwarzem Humor wie immer: "This year, my wife got me some books, a new scarf, a Godiva chocolate bar, a Thai ladyboy, ans the new Peter Gabriel CD. #blessed" und "Merry Christmas to all followers of a false prophet"

Hank Azaria (Stimme von Moe u.a. aus den Simpsons) tweetet: "Merry Christmas. Well, this is as merry as Moe gets."
Steve Martin: Tweet eines Fans: "Get a life dude. Can't believe you're on Twitter on Christmas morning". Antwort: "Christmas is tomorrow, idiot. Wait... hang on..."
Matt Lucas (britischer Schauspieler und Comedian, v.a. bekannt aus "Little Britain"): "Wonder if Jesus got brithday presents as well as Christmas presents"
Quelle: Twitter.com