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17.02.2025 09:13:23 anne01 hat ein Thema kommentiert Schnelles Wissen aneignen?: Wenn es darum geht, sich schnell neues Wissen anzueignen, sind Online-Quizze eine super Möglichkeit. Auf QuizWorld gibt es eine riesige Auswahl an Themen, und das Beste ist, dass jedes Quiz kostenlos spielbar ist. Egal, ob Allgemeinwissen, Geschichte oder knifflige Logikfragen – hier findet man immer eine spannende Herausforderung. Gerade wenn man zwischendurch etwas lernen möchte, ohne lange Texte zu lesen, sind die kurzen und abwechslungsreichen Fragen ideal. Ich habe mir so schon einiges an Wissen angeeignet, ohne dass es sich wie Lernen angefühlt hat.
12.02.2025 06:12:32 jenny hat ein Thema kommentiert Welche Pasta liebt die Frau?: Selbstgemacht schmekt am besten. Nudelmaschinen ermöglichen mehr Kreativität und Abwechslung bei hausgemachten Nudeln. Viele Modelle werden mit austauschbaren Aufsätzen geliefert, mit denen verschiedene Nudelformen hergestellt werden können, von dünnen Spaghetti bis zu breiten Pappardelle. Einige fortschrittliche Maschinen mischen und extrudieren sogar Nudelteig, sodass Benutzer mit verschiedenen Mehlsorten, Geschmacksrichtungen und Zutaten experimentieren können. Diese Vielseitigkeit macht Nudelmaschinen zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für diejenigen, die gerne mit verschiedenen Texturen und Nudelsorten experimentieren.  
12.02.2025 05:25:52 bovary hat ein Thema kommentiert Euer liebstes Accessoire?:  Individualisierung ist ein Grund, warum Konfirmationsschmuck so besonders ist. Viele Stücke können mit der Gravur des Namens des Empfängers, des Konfirmationsdatums oder eines bedeutungsvollen Bibelvers personalisiert werden. Diese zusätzliche persönliche Note erhöht den sentimentalen Wert des Schmucks und macht ihn zu einem einzigartigen Geschenk. Einige Familien entscheiden sich auch für mit Geburtssteinen verzierten Schmuck, um das Stück weiter zu personalisieren und es auf einzigartige und durchdachte Weise mit der Person zu verbinden.
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Something's watching us...

Something's watching us...
Auszug aus der "Kimberly Story", wie sie History teacher Ed Hermanski seinen Schülern erzählt

An der Hamilton High School in Chandler, Arizona, werden Schüler jedes Jahr zur Halloween Zeugen einer unglaublichen Geschichte. Der ortansässige Geschichtslehrer Ed Hermanski erzählt seit nun mehr als 10 Jahren die gleiche faszinierende Story um ein junges Mädchen namens Kimberly, einer ehemaligen Schülerin Hermanskis als dieser noch an einer Mittelschule in Fabens, Texas unterrichtete.  

Hier geht es zum Artikel über Ed Hermanskis Geschichte über die junge Kimberly, die sein Leben für immer veränderte.

I said, “Did you notice on the air conditioning vents there was no blood? And all the way around it there was almost a perfect area where there was no blood?” “Yeah, that was weird. What do you think that means?” I say, “I don’t know. I know that’s a fault ceiling.”

When they built those houses, they didn’t have air conditioning, so they’d build a fault ceiling in between the air conditioning unit and the real ceiling. He goes, “What do you think’s in there?” “I don’t know, but we ought to go in there and look.” He goes, “I’m not going back in there.” I say, “Johnny, come on, what are you afraid of?” He says, “Dude, I aint going in there. Look, we got cops that do search and rescue and all that stuff. I’ll tell the captain and if he approves it, they’ll go in there.” “All right.” So they build scaffolding, okay? They build it underneath this area that you can get in to. And these two guys that were with El Paso Police Department go up in there and they go to left, and we can hear them crawling around and we were just talking. Well, those ducts were about 2 feet by 2 feet. So, a while goes by, and Johnny and I are talking, and talking, and we’re getting bored. And I say to Johnny, “You know, Johnny, no one went to the right.” He goes, “I aint going.” I said, “All right, I’ll go in.” “No you’re not!” “I’m going.” I say, “You got that little flashlight, so let me use it.” He goes, “Your lucky day. I just put fresh batteries into them.”

Okay, so I turn this little light on and I crawl up the scaffolding pull myself through and I go right. So, I go about ten feet, and then I turn to the right. So I figured I’ve gone this far, why not go further? Finally, I get about halfway there, and click, the flashlight goes out just like that. Uh-oh. I’m hitting it. Nothing. All right, well now I’m out of a flashlight, I can’t see, need to back out. As I started backing out, I noticed a glow or a shimmer coming from the corner. This stuff was all aluminum and you could see a shimmer, and I thought, “What is that?” So I crawl that way, because I can see this little glow. I figure if I don’t see anything, I’ll back out of there.

So I crawl a little further and I get to the corner and I look all the way down, and this duct goes all the way to the front of the house, but about 10 yards in, there’s this recessed area, where the heating and the air conditioning units sat that blew the hot or cold air out, and the shimmer was coming from back in there. So I have to crawl, I don’t know, about 8 more yards to see what that glow is. So, I crawl a little bit more, and a little bit more, and when I peak into that recessed area, the first thing I see is a little pair of barefoot feet. And then the feet move. And then I’m going to be the fastest fat man that ever crawled out of an air duct, being
the brave man that I’m not.

But, I had to see. I had to look. And I look, and sitting there, is Kimberly. She was holding a candle, and that’s what was causing the glow. She looked bad, she was dirty, she had that long white nightgown on, she had blood on her. She was holding that candle when she looked up and saw me. I say, “Kimberly, how did you get in here?” She goes, “Shh! They’re here.” I say, “Who’s here?” “The ones that live in the walls.” I say, “Honey, there’s no one here.” She goes, “Listen, they’re here.” I’m listening and looking around and I say, “I can’t see anything. You need to come out of there.” So she follows me out.

You should’ve seen Johnny’s eyes when I lowered her down onto the scaffolding. He was like, “Whoa!” He whistled and the other cops come on out. Well, they arrest Kimberly, and they have to take her downtown. Well, some time goes by, and they have to take her to court, and they’re having a hard time finding an impartial jury because everyone’s heard about this in El Paso, so they’re going to change venues and go to New Mexico or Arizona. It ends up being Arizona. Since I was going back and forth from there to Arizona, I ended up falling in love with it down here, and I moved here. Well, the case isn’t too good, and they can’t seem to find anything on her, and I tell Johnny, “Whatever is going on, is going on in that house.”

He goes, “Yeah.” “There’s something about the house.” He goes, “You think you believe in something?” I say, “No, I just think there’s something happening in that house. I think it’s explainable.” He goes, “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know.”

Now remember, this is early 1990’s, and I say, “Don’t you have one of those cameras that you can hook up inside of a room and see what’s going on?” He goes, “Yeah!” I say, “Why don’t you hook cameras up in that house and see what’s going on?” He goes, “I haven’t thought of that. But whatever’s happening is happening to Kimberly.” I went, “Yeah, that’s true.” We both look at each other, and he goes, “There’s no way they’re going to let me put Kimberly back into that house.” I say, “Well, whatever’s happening is happening to Kimberly in that house. And if you guys put cameras in that room, you can watch everything that’s going on in that house, and monitor it.”

Well, he goes and talks to the captain. Captain comes back and says, “You’ve got one week. I’ll put her back in that house one week. We’ll have a couple of officers monitor it and if nothing happens, we’ll go back to trial.”

© Ed Hermanski



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